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'The Climb' (2020)

'The Climb' follows two friends - Mike and Kyle, and explores their relationship, how it grows and evolves over the years. The film is delivered in chapters, each representing a progressing stage in Kyle and Mike's personal life and their shared relationship.

The film starts with the two friends biking in France, away on a journey before Kyle is to be married to Ava. As the two make their way through a challenging path, Mike reveals that he has been sleeping with Kyle's fiancée. This causes a rift between the two, and Mike ends up marrying Ava after the two reveal their feelings for each other. Chapter two reveals Ava to have passed shortly after Mike and her had married. Kyle goes to the funeral to pay his respects, and after Mike causes a scene that is defused by Kyle, the latter consoles Mike even though he is still angry with him.

Some time later, we find Kyle in a better physical shape and dating his high school girlfriend Marissa. While celebrating Thanksgiving with his family, Kyle announces his engagement, much to his mother's chagrin. At the same time Marissa tells Kyle that she has invited Mike to celebrate Christmas with them, as Mike has no family.

As the film skips to Christmas, we find Mike in a bad way - binge drinking and overweight, as he visits with Kyle and his family and presents a less than stellar image of himself by over drinking and passing out. Shortly after, Kyle and Marissa invite him along on a ski trip, where Kyle and Mike reconnect. Presuming that Marissa does not care for Kyle as much as he does, Mike attempts to sleep with her. Understanding why Mike attempted to seduce her, Marissa physically forces Mike to go through with it, so as to incite Kyle to break ties with Mike once and for all.

Some time later, on a surprise bachelor party ice-fishing trip, Mike confronts Kyle about Marissa, stating that he slept with her, even though it did not happen. In response, Kyle says that he does not care, stating that he wants to spend his life with someone who cares for him. Mike says that Marissa does not care for him the way he does. Shortly after Kyle breaks through a thin patch of ice on the lake and Mike manages to pull him out.

On the day of Kyle and Marissa's wedding, Mike causes a scene in objecting to the wedding, causing brawl in the church. Kyle and Marissa talk, she reveals that she is pregnant, and expresses doubt about being married. After that revelation, the priest refuses to marry them, stating that the marriage cannot be based solely on the fact that Kyle and Marissa are about to become parents.

Skipping forward in time, Kyle and Marissa have married, and Marissa seeks out Mike and encourages the two to make up. After the two reconcile and more time has passed, the final sequence of the film shows Kyle moving out and divorcing Marissa. As Mike and Kyle go on a bike ride with Kyle's son Otis, the trio are shown to share a familial relationship, Otis referring to Mike as his 'uncle'. The film concludes with Mike and Kyle in a seemingly close and cheerful relationship.

'The Climb' presents an insight to the male relationship, the turbulent yet enduring friendship that can last over the course of a lifetime. The chapter form presentation of the story allows for the film to show an all encompassing view of Mike and Kyle, as they are introduced with their specific characteristics and the subsequent segments of the film explore their personalities more deeply.

Kyle is introduced as a sensitive and somewhat timid individual, seeking out a partner to love and care for as he is set to marry Ava. Upon learning of her infidelity and the fact that it was with Mike, Kyles closest friend, we understand that Kyle is an uncomplicated character that is trusting, and sometimes much to his detriment. Conversely, the revelation serves well to provide insight to Mike, his values and personal beliefs. After telling Kyle about the affair, he shortly has a heart-to-heart with Ava and decides to pursue his wishes by marrying her. The selfish and harmful decision for Mike and Kyles friendship, the act reveals to us Mike's personality and his way of pursuing what he wants.

Obviously causing a rift between the two, marrying Ava tears Mike and Kyle apart. However, at Ava's funeral, even though Kyle is angry, he finds it hard not to comfort Mike. Arguably showcasing the biggest difference between the two men, Kyle's compassion is an unwavering trait that persists throughout the feature, presenting the less explored trusting and empathetic side of male relationships.

At its core, 'The Climb' presents the profound connection between Kyle and Mike as the two go through a lot of relationship ending events and actions, yet the two endure and manage to maintain their relationship. The film presents the shortcomings of an at times one-sided friendship, where Kyle is a trusting and timid individual, whilst Mike is more selfish and self-destructive in pursuing personal goals. Even though the two have vastly different personalities, they are drawn together, connected by an underlying understanding of each other and a care for each other.

Rarely explored to such depths, 'The Climb' showcases the ups and downs of a friendship, and the boundaries that are often crossed between friends. What makes the film particularly relatable is the genuine representation of both Mike and Kyle, as their relationship often breaks down due to their personal shortcomings, and manages to be rescued by their ultimate unwillingness to give up each other as their deep understanding of the other forms an unbreakable bond.

'The Climb' is written by the two real-life best friends, Michael Angelo Covino and Kyle Marvin and directed by Covino. The creators have developed an intriguing and genuine representation of a lifelong friendship, not shying away from the humanity and ugliness that can be involved in such a long and enduring relationship. Throughout the film, the tone is largely comical, always managing to express both the harsh realities of issues like cheating, alcoholism and depression with a humorous twist, ensuring and overall positive viewing experience.

'The Climb' is a fun insight into a very personal relationship and provides an almost bystander like feel to the story that is being told. With an accurate and detailed representation of the flawed characters and the representation of their friendship, 'The Climb' is an awesome view at the two characters, the lives that they lead and their close connection.

Score: 4/4


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