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'Synchronic' (2019)

'Synchronic' is a science fiction film following the story of Steve and Dennis, - two paramedics and close friends operating in New Orleans. The two men respond to emergencies and come across an intriguing drug with a peculiar effect on its users.

The film opens with a couple who take a drug, 'Synchronic', and set in motion the mind-bending effect the substance causes. Through following the couples experience it can be surmised that 'Synchronic' has the effect of allowing its user to experience a different time in the past. However, the experience does not end well, as both users are adversely affected by the astounding effect the drug has.

Steve and Dennis respond to the aftermath, dealing with the man, found dead in an elevator shaft and the woman, found with a snake bite. Afterwards they respond to a few more incidents involving 'Synchronic', but do not pay it much attention until Steve's daughter Brianna goes missing.

Steve goes to a local bodega and buys out the supply of 'Synchronic' wanting to protect anyone else form using it. Shortly after, the chemist that developed it breaks into his house, also wanting to dispose of the drug, and explains the effect the drug has, namely that it conveys its user the ability to travel to a different point in time. Now convinced that he has the ability to find Brianna, Steve experiments with the drug and vows to bring her back to her family.

At the same time, Steve is dealing with the news that he has cancer, rousing suspicion in Dennis as to Steve's use of painkillers. The two fall out over the doubt and anger they are experiencing, but manage to reconcile once they have a heart-to-hear about Steves condition, and Dennis's anxiety about his family life.

On investigating and attempting to bring back Brianna, Steve tracks down her location and travels back in time to the American Civil War, where he finds and rescues her. Knowing that he does not have much time left, Steve chooses not to travel back to the present and says his goodbyes to Dennis prior to remaining in the past.

The film sets off with a very intriguing premise - it shows us the 'Synchronic' experience a couple go through and does not go too far to over-explain the effects of the drug immediately, leaving the audience guessing. The story becomes even more convoluted as the two paramedics respond to peculiar incidents with seemingly inexplicable deaths. The story seems to develop at an unhurried pace however, and feels a bit sluggish up until the half-way point. The first half of the film feels like it does not want to reveal too much too soon, and therefore suffers from an unhurried and unimposing development of the story.

After the point-blank explanation of the effects of the drug, once Steve starts to experiment with 'Synchronic', the visual storytelling transports us to a different time. Together with Steve, we as the audience get to experience his journey and feel fully immersed in his adventures, drawing us into the different time he finds himself in. Once Steve sets finding Brianna as his goal, every journey he takes back in time feels suspenseful and exhilarating as he does not know what or who he will have to face.

The story also showcases the close friendship Steve and Dennis have, as they share a close bond developed over years of working together and sharing in each others experiences. The bond the two share feels organic, as they freely discuss their innermost concerns about their lives. Furthermore, Steve withholding his cancer diagnosis from Dennis reflects on Steves personality and how their friendship operates, namely that he does not want to further upset Dennis during a troubling time and is rational towards accepting his fate.

Anthony Mackie portrays Steve, a cool and somewhat reserved single guy, who is diagnosed with a terminal tumour. His life prior to the medical news seems pretty straight forward - living it up as a guy moving from one girl to the next. Throughout the course of the story we discover more closely the type of individual he is. Through an exchange Dennis has with his wife, we learn that a past traumatic experience following hurricane Katrina left Dennis distraught and in tears, even although Steve is the one directly affected by what has happened. Instead of breaking down, Steve was there to comfort Dennis, illustrating his inner strength and capacity to deal with terrible revelations with a calm and composed approach.

Jamie Dornan plays Dennis, a family man who displays anxiety and slight envy towards Steve's way of life, expressing regret in having settled down to raise a family. However, as Brianna goes missing, he reevaluates his circumstances and grows to realise the appreciation and love he feels towards his wife. On discovering Steves condition, Dornan manages to reveal the true colour of his character, as he displays anger and crushing regret that his friend had kept the information from him. During their final meeting Dornan and Mackie showcase the true bond their characters share, as they convey a deep understanding and appreciation towards each other without uttering a single word.

Written by Justin Benson, and directed by Benson and Aaron Moorhead, 'Synchronic' is constructed to provide a thrill ride as we discover the effect of the drug and get to explore the world and times it can help the users access. With stunning visual effects, we are transported in time together with the characters and are privy to exploring and experiencing the sensations they go through. Even although the film feels at times sluggish, the movie also possesses the ability to further provide the experience 'Synchronic' may give its users, as a number of sequences within the film are played out of order, conveying the non-linear nature of time that the drug allows its users to live through.

Even although the film feels a bit slow during the first half, and doesn't quite manage to deliver a strong punch in its conclusion, the movie is saved by setting off on a mysterious premise and by showcasing Steves experiences as he travels through time. The fully immersive experiences that we get to live through Steve as he is transported to various, and mostly dangerous settings manages to entice the viewer and provide a truly suspenseful adventure as our main character is always working against the clock.

Score: 2/4


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