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‘Strange Way of Life’ (2023)

'Strange Way of Life' is a western drama short, centering around Jake (Ethan Hawke) a small town sheriff and Silva (Pedro Pascal) a rancher. Meeting again for the first time in 25 years, the two revisit their tryst from long ago.

The film fast-tracks us to who and what Jake and Silva are. Jake, having become the sheriff of a small town plays a strait-laced and forthright law enforcement officer, whilst Silva has veered towards a quiet life of hard work as a rancher.

What serves as the reason for reconciliation of the two lovers is the murder of a woman in town. Being Jake's sister-in-law, he is duty and honour bound to find her killer. Gaining a lead, Jake learns of the prime suspect - Joe, Silva's son. Suspecting his son to be at fault, Silva visits with Jake to learn of what he knows.

The film succeeds in presenting an intriguing premise, raising a wealth of questions surrounding the nature of the relationship between Jake and Silva, their shared history and their intentions. Providing a flashback and a few throwaway lines about their history, the film leaves one wanting in terms of a further exploration of the characters past. Giving us just enough however, the short form of the film keeps things moving without undue delays, allowing for the story to race ahead, perhaps at times not allowing the story to breathe and let simmer for a while for further dramatic impact.

At the core of the story is the relationship between Hawke's Jake and Pascal's Silva. Bringing to life a connection that feels real, based on a passion filled history and a persisting romantic kinship, the two actors create a romance that invites exploration and the hope of further positive development. Surviving the conflict between the two after Silva shoots Jake to allow for Joe to escape to Mexico, the film clearly sets out Silva's willingness to pursue a life together. Leaving their future up in the air however, the film frustratingly ends abruptly as Jake and Silva fail to make a firm declaration or agreement on how their future will unfold.

Fast moving with just enough dirt on the characters and their history, 'Strange Way of Life' gives us enough to go on and keeps it entertaining, delivering two powerful and emotionally developed performances that amount to an enjoyable, if brief stint in the old West, exploring loyalty, passion and honour as the two characters pursue what they believe to be right and explore their passions while doing it.

Score: 3/4


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