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'Settlers' (2021)

'Settlers' is a science fiction thriller following early human settlers on Mars. The story starts by following a family - Reza, Ilsa and their daughter Remmy. Trouble ensues as a group of bandits attack, one of which survives the family defences, Jerry, and kills Reza. The film then follows Remmy and Ilsa as they try to cohabit with Jerry, until ultimately Ilsa tries and fails to kill Jerry. Picking up years later, a now teen-aged Remmy is still living at the farm settlement with Jerry, even though she remains cold towards him. After having discovered that the settlement is enclosed in a protective dome in order to maintain a breathable and liveable atmosphere, - Remmy constructs a respirator mask in order to venture out and explore what other settlements Mars may have. Enraged by this, and convinced there is nothing and no one out there, Jerry tries to stop Remmy from leaving, resulting in her killing him. Uncertain of her future, Remmy finally decides to leave the farm, with the feature closing on her venturing out into the unknown.

The film presents a compelling account of the early settlers on Mars. As we are shown the family carry on their daily routine, the film suggests a heard but peaceful life, as one would expect when trying to establish themselves in a harsh environment, reminiscent of frontiersmen in the wild west. As the attack on the farm happens, we are quickly shown that life is dangerous on Mars, and as Jerry reclaims his home, we are struck with the reality of the situation - that Ilsa and Remmy are at Jerry's mercy as they have nowhere else to turn to. The story then progresses to show us that Ilsa wants to keep herself and her daughter safe and therefore attempts to kill Jerry. The sharp left turn is easy to see coming, as Ilsa's motivations remain unchanged after the month the trio spend together. Additionally, expecting the attempt on his life, Jerry had removed the bullets from his pistol, - another twist that had failed to serve the film and its thriller status.

As the story progresses, Jerry makes his aims towards Remmy clear, as he states that he wants to stand for something and proposes bearing children. Remmy refuses his advances, appearing repulsed by the idea. Before Remmy pulls the trigger on Jerry, he states that she needs him as much as he needs her, an idea that is later illustrated when Remmy lives by herself, completely devoid of contact with any other humans. The characters choice to venture out into the wilderness is not surprising, as the solitude seems to get to the character, yet the film has revealed precious few details of the world beyond the dome, therefore leaving the viewers pessimistically uncertain of Remmy's future. Even though a story could benefit from a sparing and minimalistic approach to its world building, 'Settlers' suffers from having divulged too little of its world, keeping the viewer at an arms length and preventing a deeper emotional connection to either the characters or the desolate planet.

Sofia Boutella portrays Ilsa, the caring and resilient settler that has set protecting her family as a priority. Boutella masterfully carries the immense pressure her character is experiencing in illustrating the strain that living in an unwelcoming environment can exert on an individual. More than that, Boutella puts forward the care she has for her husband and daughter paired with the fear that she experiences in trying to protect them. Remmy is portrayed by Brooklynn Prince and Nell Tiger Free as the younger and older version of the character respectively. The two actresses maintain a curious yet reserved approach to the character, establishing continuity to the character and providing for a great exploration in terms of growth for Remmy. Both Prince and Free do a great job of showing Remmy's motivations and her curious nature, developing her growth as a capable individual and showing her stride towards becoming an independent person. The film carries Jerry, played by Ismael Cruz Córdova, as its main antagonist. He is initially portrayed as an individual set on trying to establish a somewhat normal life at the farm, yet over time, his motivation to carry on and establish some sort of legacy by trying to father offspring portrays his approach as too brutal in him trying to force himself on Remmy. Córdova portrays Jerry as a man looking to create a connection with those around him, yet his approach in doing so sets the character as an unlikeable individual. Even though it is easy to dislike Jerry, the character leaves much to be desired in terms of personality and appeal in trying to establish his motivations.

The film is written and directed by Wyatt Rockefeller in his feature directorial debut. The creator does well in setting the scene for the characters and their situation, yet the film lacks in a good foundation regarding world-building. The audience is presented with the current state of affairs, yet the story does not seem to progress well, as there is too little to hang on to in terms of the outside factors affecting the characters decisions, making it difficult to create a connection to what is happening or for what is to come.

'Settlers' carries an intriguing premise, offering to show us a whole new world to be discovered, yet does little by way of actually telling or showing us much about the place and time we are set in. Overall the film does well in providing a thought provoking introduction but fails to carry through in delivering a riveting story in terms of establishing a solid foundation on which to build the world the characters are set in.

Score: 2/4


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