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‘Reflection’ (2021)

‘Reflection’ is a drama that delves deep into the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The film follows Serhiy, a Ukrainian surgeon who is captured by Russian military forces in the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine. There, he is exposed to torture, humiliation and violence as his captors use him for his medical expertise and capabilities.

The film sets off by showing us Serhiy, as he navigates life as a father to Polina who is living with her mother and step-father Andriy. Andriy is part of the military and talks with Serhiy about the dire situation on the front lines. Serhiy later contemplates his role in the ongoing war effort, speaking with Polina and her revealing that he is useful in what he does away from the front.

Whilst driving a wounded soldier to a Med-point, Serhiy and another surgeon are stopped by Russian military forces. The other surgeon is killed and Serhiy is captured. After being tortured, Serhiy is held by the Russians for his medical knowledge. One day, Andriy is captured and tortured by the Russians almost to death. Unable to fathom what the Russians may do to him next, Serhiy strangles the almost dead Andriy. Serhiy makes a deal with a soldier who is about to cremate Andriy to stow away the body and make an under the table deal with his family to return his remains to them.

After some time, Serhiy returns home as part of a POW exchange. There he reconnects with Polina and his ex-wife. Serhiy struggles to carry on, especially knowing what had happened to Andriy as his wife and daughter are in the mist on what had transpired. After the body is delivered to them, Serhiy is shown gradually moving on with his life, confronting his fears, anxieties and post-traumatic stress.

‘Reflection’ is a heavy drama that deals with the dark realities of war. By following Serhiy, we not only get to explore the direct impact that acts of war have on a single individual but rather how it reverberates throughout and affects everyone around him.

Without showing the audience scenes of active war zones and heavy fighting, the film sets a dreary tone with the use of dark and drab colours throughout, accompanied by little use of background music.

Initially as we follow Serhiy, we are shown his taxing life as a surgeon who has to tend to wounded soldiers, with his job made more difficult due to the proximity of his surgery, implying he could do more if he was closer. After being captured, Serhiy’s sense of self is destroyed as he is tortured and put in a state of constant fear of being executed as he watches the opposition forces torture and kill a number of Ukrainian fighters. Wanting to spare Andriy, Serhiy decides to take his life to avoid further pain for the man, making him go against his professional and private morals.

The film deals with the painful fallout of Serhiy’s wounded psyche as he tries to pick up where he left off, dealing with being in a constant state of fear. Exemplified especially when he goes on a run, Serhiy is chased by a pack of dogs. The first time he manages to thwart the canine onslaught, but a latter incident ends with him being mauled. This serves well as a reminder that he cannot ever truly let his guard down and has to be weary of the unpredictable and violent circumstances he may find himself in yet again.

‘Reflection’ is a painful reminder of the real and continuous struggle that the Ukrainian people have to go through as they face a barrage of attacks on their land. Even as they are fighting for their nation, making strides in facing their attacker, Serhiy’s story serves well to remind us all that the ongoing fight has a severe and lasting impact on him and everyone else on the sidelines.

Score: 3/4


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